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2020-13-12-DSC00851©_Manfred Leuchter 20

I am a person who wanders between their native longings and the unexpected desires from the future.


Sometimes I sing,

sometimes I compose a poem,

sometimes I sing the poem I've written,

and sometimes I sit in a corner and listen to the sighs of the walls.


Occasionally, I hold a brush in my hand and spread butter in the pan for Cubist pancakes for breakfast,

sometimes I turn the pan into a lamp.


When my vision doesn't see beyond,

I switch on the lamp,

recall the shapes of the pancakes,

listen to the whispers of my fingers,

and compose a poem for the twilight season, which lies between my native longings and the unexpected desires from the future.


A season where all lost birds sing their way home,

and I sing along!

That's just who I am, Therefore I am!

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